Even though kaai voon's room is just a floor below mine, the only means by which we communicate nowadays is thorugh the internet - msn messenger. So, this is vaguely what we chatted about yesterday, during the wee hours:
david : I'm watching At the Dolphin Bay!!! lalala....
kv : The series is obviously about love wan!
david : Aiyah, all series also love this love that wan la!!!
kv : ya meh?
david : If not, about life in russia meh? life in russia = no life, no love,
kv : Where got? Still got pork and chicken la!
david : ...
kv : You wait till the right piece of meat comes along la!
david : But no one wants to sell me meat, how?
kv : You go buy ma, ask the person want to sell or not!
david : I just can't find the suitable meat loaf la. Either too lean or
too fatty. Some also not fresh already.
kv : You haven't tried asking la. Or maybe you'll just have to wait.
david : What about you? Why ur lean piece of rib not yet sold ah?
kv : ......
kv : bloody hell!!!
LOL. I believe most of you know what "meat" means. Well well, I'm very sure that my loaf of meat will never come by. Had been thinking a lot about how my life will end with myself still single and unwanted. And coming to Russia, the Sahara desert of meat and drink, well supplemented the thought of me dying alone. I am young, i'll still be a teenager for another month, AND I WANNA EXPERIENCE ONE OF THE GREATEST PARTs OF LIFE, to experience love!!!
I've always believed and stood firm on the ground that i shouldn't join my peers, who are fools rushing for love, and that love will eventually come to me. I see my friends getting on and off the love seat like it's no one else's business. But why on earth izit so hard for me to find love?
Sigh, those couples who do their lovey-dovey stuffs in front of loveless people like me never seem to understand. I remember the Ipoh City Council once fined those couples canoodling in public. Though many people protested, I never took any of it into thought as i have never had a real relationship, let alone kissing and cuddling outdoors. Maybe the council did it right, at least till i find myself a lover ( pronounced as "LAAVAHH", as in sex and the city when sarah jp dated Alexander Petrovsky). Perhaps that will teach those sexually overactive people to
get a room. Sigh, i do not know what I'm talking now, and I am pathetic, i know that!
Maybe the right one will come along someday, perhaps in the near future. Or perhaps it may not happen for years to come.
But hey, u know wat? I think there is a piece of meat buried deep inside my freezer, and I shall eat it tonight! MEAT!!!